Monday 8 May 2017

What The Puck Is Going On At The University of Manchester?! #WHERETHEPUCK


This Wednesday (May 10th), Soap & Glory will be popping up at the University of Manchester for a hilarious day of tracking down our little friend, and bagging yourself some freebies!

Arrive at uni bright and early, as we’ve hidden hundreds of little puckers all over campus! If you manage to spot one, we will reward you with a fab freebie!

A post shared by ✌🏽️ (@nini.sunny) on

That’s not all - If you’re savvy enough to find our GOLDEN PUCK you’ll be rewarded with a YEARS WORTH OF FREE PRODUCTS!

A post shared by Beth 🌷 (@imwithbeth) on


Add yourself into our event HERE, to make sure you're up to date!

On the day, hurry into uni and let the hunt begin! Once you’ve found Puck, all you have to do is INSTA or TWEET a pic of our little dude with the hashtag #WHERETHEPUCK – the funnier the better of course!

Make sure you’re not on private, because I’ll need to send you a CONGRATS message and tell you where to collect your FREE PRIZE!

A post shared by Chloe Ly 🌸 (@chloely8) on

For good luck, make sure you keep your eyes on our Facebook page, as well as the hashtag #WHERETHEPUCK for some little hints and clues to where you might find our little puckers!

Not at UoM? No worries! We'll be popping up all over the place - so keep your eyes peeled around your uni!

See you on Wednesday, & good luck!

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